Joint Checking Account

Romans 8:17 – “And if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ”. 

For those of you who are married (or want to be one day), on your wedding day, you most likely received lots of checks made out to Mr. and Mrs. [your names].  What did you do with those checks?  If you deposited them, it was probably into a jointchecking account, or at least I hope so!  And in order to deposit them, both of you had to sign your name on the back of the check. 

Same goes for our relationship with Christ.  In Romans 8:17 it says that as children of God we are “joint heirs” with Christ.  Imagine that, we have a “joint checking account” with the Creator of heaven and earth.  According to the new covenant of unmerited and undeserved favor, all that’s His is yours.  Your name goes on the “paid to the order of” line on the front of the “check” that is written in heaven for you.  Whatever amount you want, not need, we are meant to be a “reservoir of blessing” to others, whatever amount you want is the amount that you need to “write” in prayer when petitioning my Father in heaven in Jesus’ name. 

We must realize that Jesus has already written His name on the back of the check, as a joint heir, as co-owner of the joint checking account with me.  The account number is Romans 8:17, and He has endorsed it with His name and all the power of that name.  All that’s left is your signature, your agreement, your “so be it”, as an equal heir with Christ.  

Most people really struggle with this and can’t get their natural mind wrapped around such truth.  But 1 John 4:17 says, “As He is, so are we in this world”.  And 1 Corinthians 6:17 says “he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit”, glory to God!  You have unlimited resources in Christ, an unlimited account that will never succumb to the economy.  

Jesus has pen in hand, whatever it is that you are asking according to the will and word of God, He is endorsing your request with His name.  You simply need to receive, it’s a finished work, it already is, you are a joint heir with Christ, with a joint checking account, all He has is yours, receive your inheritance!