The Real MVP

John 19:26 – “Then when Jesus saw His mother and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, Woman, behold your son!” 

This past week we witnessed a scene that warmed the hearts of people all over America.  It was during the acceptance speech of Kevin Durant after being named the 2014 Most Valuable Player in the National Basketball Association.  He led the league in scoring and had an unbelievable season.  But it wasn’t the baskets he made, or his rebounds that impressed America.  No, it was the way he spoke about his mom, Wanda.  He told about his childhood, his family, and in particular about his mom.  He remembered how grateful he was to be sitting in their very first apartment as a family, hugging each other and so thankful, even though they had no furniture.  He spoke of his mother as his hero, who sacrificed her own needs so the boys could eat and have clothes on their backs.  One accolade after another, he shared from his heart and with tears in his eyes how much he loved and appreciated his mom.  He finished by saying, “Mom, you’re the real MVP”.  The crowd broke out in applause and wiped tears from their own eyes.  Even MY eyes started to tear! 

This love and sensitivity was similar to the way Jesus acted toward His mother before He went to the cross.  He made sure that she was taken care of.  I hope you’re grasping this.  It was about “her”.  The one who raised Him and took care of Him and prepared meals for Him.  It’s truly amazing to think about what it must have been like to knowingly feed and clothe…the Messiah.  It also says a lot about John, that Jesus would entrust His mother to the disciple of love.  What’s Jesus saying?  Our mothers are so, so special.  

My mom was a very special lady.  I miss her so much.  Her cackling laugh, her giving heart, her love for me, which only a mother has.  I miss her corned beef on St. Patrick’s Day.  Her lasagna on Palm Sunday.  Her fishes on Christmas Eve. 

It might be tough for me to top that “Real MVP” speech, but I want to thank my kids’ mom, Natalie.  She sacrifices for our family in so many ways.  She emails the teachers, keeps our house in order, cooks our meals, scrapbooks our every move, and so much more.  But most of all, as I’ve watched in amazement, how Natalie has always been “there” for our three kids (our son Ryan, our daughter Joy, and our dog Benny!).  I want everyone to know that my beautiful wife, is the Real MVP of this family.  She’s a champion.  She never stops!  Our house is special because of our MVP.  

My mom used to say, “Joseph, remember, you only have one mother!”  That’s true, she is my only mother.  But my daughter, Joy has two mothers, one in heaven and one on earth.  After my first wife passed away when Joy was only 18 months old, God handpicked Natalie to help raise Joy and do what only a mom could do for her.  Like I said, she’s the real MVP in our family today. 

How about your mom?  Your wife?  What special way can you tell them how they have blessed your life?  How can you express to them how thankful you are that they gave you life?  I agree with Kevin Durant, for most of us, moms are the real MVP’s!  Let’s show them this Sunday on Mother’s Day how much we love them.