I Had a Dream

Psalm 126:1 “When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream”. 

If you’ve been watching the World Cup, you may have heard the remarkable story of the game between the United States and Ghana, a very strong team that had beaten the U.S. in the two previous World Cups.  Well, this time around, in a pulse pounding game, the U.S. led 1-0 until late in the game when Ghana tied the score at 1-1.  With only four minutes left, 21 year-old, John Brooks scored a go ahead goal and the winning point.  Here’s what’s truly amazing, Brooks informed the interviewer that two nights before, he had a dream that he scored the winning goal at the 88 minute mark, which he shared with his teammates before the game.  Did it happen?  No, he scored the winning goal at the 86 minute mark, two minutes ahead of schedule!  Amazing!! 

God speaks to us in many ways, primarily through His word.  He also speaks to us in our spirit, and through other Christians, or through an experience or encounter.  God also speaks to His people in dreams and visions, which is what I believe He did with John Brooks, and that’s what He will do with you. 

What dreams do you have?  Have your written them down?  Did you record the date and the details?  I hope so.  What is something that is so good that when it comes to pass, it will seem as though you are still dreaming?  It says in Psalm 126:1 that when He turned the captivity of Zion, it seemed so good, it was like a dream come true.  In the same way, there are some things in your life and mine that are about to be released, and are so good that it’s going to seem like a dream.  Your dreams are about to come true, some things are being turned around in your life.  It’s going to be like a great dream that you don’t want to wake out of.  

Get ready dreamers…your dreams are coming to pass!