Right Place, Right Time

Genesis 24:12 – “And he said, O LORD God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day, and show kindness unto my master Abraham.”

Talk about being in the right place at the right time…The parents of a young baseball player named Conrad Gregor, traveled five hours over Memorial Day weekend to see their son play for the River Bandits, an affiliate team of the Houston Astros.  With his team down in the sixth inning, 2-1, Gregor launched a three-run homer over the fence, straight to a fan who made an over-the-shoulder basket catch, narrowly eluded by another fan’s grasp.  The fan who made the catch - Conrad’s father, Marty! 

“It’s a little unbelievable”, Conrad told the press, “But I’m glad my parents were here to see it, and when I got back to the dugout, I heard he made a pretty good catch!”  Seriously, what are the odds of that happening?  With thousands of fans in the seats, he hits a homerun and his dad catches it.  His dad was in the right place at the right time!

God’s timing is so perfect.  In Genesis 24, Abraham sends out his oldest servant, Eleazar, to find a wife for his son, Isaac.  It’s a great story.  Would make a bestselling novel.  When Abraham sends him out, he tells him, “Don’t worry, God is sending His angel before you, and you’ll find a wife for Isaac”. 

How many of you would believe that for your child?  I assured my daughter several years ago, “Don’t worry about it, let ME find a husband for you!”  As you can imagine, that went over well.

Back to Eleazar. In verse 12, he prays that the Lord would cause him to meet good success, and notice this, he says “today”.  He was expecting an answer that very day.  Then, in verse 14, he describes the young lady that he’s looking for…”the one who will give drink to me and my camels also”.  Verse 15, I love this, “before he had finished speaking”, out came Rebekah!  Both of them were in the right place at the right time, also known as a “kingdom connection”.  And he got a bonus for Isaac. In verse 16, it says “the girl was very beautiful and attractive, chaste, modest and unmarried”.  She was the one!

God has kingdom connections waiting for you in your life.  At the job, on the interview, in the marketplace, at college, on vacation, house hunting, jogging through the park, at the soccer game, in the produce department at the grocery store.  Something very attractive, the right match for you, and the desire of your heart.  Life is really great when you pray specifically, let your requests be known to God, then expect a kingdom connection from God. 

Today, my prayer for you is that you will be in the right place at the right time!  Be greatly blessed.