God is Calling You Forward

By Natalie Fortunato

Romans 10:17 (Amplified Bible) - "So then faith comes (increases) by hearing, and hearing (understanding) by the Word of God."

When you truly meditate on the Word of God regarding a pressing issue in your life, something beautiful happens, God begins to paint an image on the inside of you that He sees regarding the situation at hand.  You now have a vision for the future.  Vision doesn't care about your past, it only cares about your now and your future!  It goes out ahead of you and calls you forward.  

Vision has pulling power, it helps you to see life the way God's Word says it is, the way God sees things.  Vision helps you to "stay in your lane" and not move off course, and to be single-minded about where you are going. 

When the children of Israel were in bondage to slavery, it was their vision of a Redeemer and the Promised Land, painted in their hearts by their ancestors, that kept them moving forward.  In Hebrews it says that, "He (Jesus), for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross..."  What pressing need do you have in your family, job, health, mind or finances?  What does the Word have to say about it?  Allow God to paint that image on the inside of you and yield to His vision calling you forward to victory!