Live Loved. by Natalie Fortunato

Ephesians 3:17 (Amplified Bible) – “…May you be rooted deep in love {and} founded securely on love,”

Livin’ large
Live, Laugh, Love
Live on the edge
Livin’ for the weekend
Live and let live
Live free or die
Livin’ in the fast lane
Live Mas! 

How about…live loved…by God.  Imagine living every moment of your life loved.  Deeply, intimately, unconditionally, and intensely loved.  

Imagine having the power to apprehend and grasp the experience of that love, what is the breadth and length and height and depth of it.  Really experiencing the love of Christ, not just knowing about it, but really experiencing the love of Christ for yourself, all day, every day.  Living it, breathing it, being filled and flooded through all your being with God Himself, having the richest measure of His divine presence (Eph. 3:19). 

Imagine what life would be like to wake up each morning, ready to burst, can’t wait to get started, knowing His love on the inside of you has no limits, that your faith has no bounds.  Like a little child, stepping out and fully confident that everything that God has promised you in His Word is already yours.  Faith works by love (Gal. 5:6).   

Imagine living without fear.  His perfect love on the inside of you casts out fear.  When fear presents itself in one form or another, you see His unmerited, unearned, undeserved love rise up on the inside of you and send fear packing (1 John 4:18).   

Imagine going through your day enjoying a love so deep that sees only the best in you, that doesn’t fade when you mess up, and then unfade only when you do good.  A love that sees past your weaknesses and failures and sees your potential and reminds you of the reason you were created, at this time, right now, for a specific purpose.  A love that believes in you, that never puts you down, that whispers encouraging and positive words to you all day long, and simply loves being with you and spending time with you. 

Imagine someone loving you so much they correct you, and warn you, and lead and guide you into all truth.  A love that resists pride, and waits patiently for you to humble yourself, then exalts you.  A love that never, ever gives up on you, or abandons you, or disqualifies you, no matter what you’ve done or will do, knowing that nothing can separate you from the love of God.  A love that knows you the best and still loves you the most. (James 4:6, Romans 8:39) 

Imagine having an abundant and never ending supply of love poured into your heart by the Spirit of God to give away to others.  No more trying to love in your own strength, but a vulnerable, abandoned, God kind of love, the fruit of His Spirit. (Romans 5:5, Matthew 10:8, Gal. 5:22)  

Imagine the day Jesus gave His very life in exchange for yours.  When He died on the cross and said to you, “Here, take My life and I’ll take yours. Live loved by Our Father like I am”.  Imagine now every time God looks at you, He sees His Son Jesus.  He can barely contain Himself from shouting from heaven, “That’s my girl”, or “That’s my boy” like he did when Jesus was baptized and said “That’s my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased!” (John 3:16, Mark 1:11) 

Imagine not feeling loved once in a while, on a good day, but actually living loved, all day, every day.  There’s no better time to start than right now...and never stop.