Run Under His Wings

Psalm 91:4 - "He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust". 

When you picture a magnificent flying bird, it won't be a chicken that comes to mind.  I've never seen a chicken fly, eagle yes, chickens no.  

In Isaiah 40:37 it says that we shall mount up with wings as eagles, but in Psalm 91 it speaks of being under His wings, there is a difference.  This promise in Psalm 91 is not speaking of a flying bird, but of a bird with a sheltering wing.  One indicates strength, while the other indicates protection.  "Under His wings" is a picture of a mother hen, who when she senses danger will sound the alarm to her baby chicks and cluck wildly as she ushers them under her wings where it's safe and secure. 

Matthew 23:37 says, "how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!"   Notice the mother hen does not run to each chick and round them up, but instead, they run to her and she gathers them under her wings.  In times of trial, that's what God wants us to do, run to Him, not away from Him.  I marvel when people say to me, "Pastor Joe, I would have been in church last Sunday but I'm really going through some things right now.  As soon as I get through this I'll be there!"  This is so backwards, it's not funny. 

Our place of deliverance and of healing is found under the wings of our loving God.  My advice to you, if you're in a vulnerable place today, is under His wings, run to His Word, run to your covenant, run to your place of prayer, run to church, into the corporate anointing with all those other chicks.  You are safe in Him.