A Living Legacy

Hebrews 9:17 – “For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.”

The late great North Carolina Men’s Basketball coach, Dean Smith, who passed away this past February at age 83, was one of the most successful college coaches in history.  Smith was called a “coaching legend” by the Basketball Hall of Fame, with a record of 879 wins and 254 losses over 36 seasons.   He was known for running a clean program, having a high graduation rate, with 96.6% of his athletes receiving their degrees, as well as being a caring and thoughtful man toward his players.  Remarkably, in his will, he said a final “thank you” to about 180 of his former “Tar Heels” players by making arrangements for each one of them to receive a $200 check with the notation “dinner out”.  His accountant enclosed a letter with the check stating how important each player was to Coach Smith, and that he wanted to reach out to them in a special way.

In Hebrews 9:17, the author describes the significance of the testament that was written to “us” as believers in Christ.  A legacy is defined as a gift given…by will; a bequest.  Jesus left us a gift, a new covenant (testament), a better covenant based upon better promises.  Just like that gift that Coach Smith left for his players, solely meant for them to enjoy, Jesus writes to each of us and tells us to enjoy the good life He has provided for us, bought and paid for with His blood.  He left for us everything we could ever want or need or desire, above and beyond what we could think, pray or imagine.

The legacy that Coach Smith passed on to his players was worth far more than of monetary value, especially for billionaire Michael Jordan, who also received a $200 check.  On a much grander scale, the legacy that Jesus has secured for us also far surpasses any monetary value because through His death we receive the ultimate gift of eternal life.  Jesus died so that those who believe on Him could live forever with Him.  It doesn’t get any better than that folks!

John 10:10, Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”.  What a legacy.  All you and I need to do is simply receive it, take it, and enjoy it.  Like Coach Smith, in the new covenant Jesus is saying “dinner is on Me, health is on Me, more than enough for your spring wardrobe is on Me, your household is saved on Me”.  It’s a living legacy that Christ secured for us, through the finished work on the cross.  Make a decision to receive it today!