God Has Seen Your Future, and He Says It's GOOD!


Isaiah 54:2  "Enlarge the place of your tent, and stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, do not spare; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes" 

Picture your favorite, amazing vacation spot.  Remember when you saw it for the first time?  You got all wide-eyed, and filled with awe.  Then how about when you brought your friends there.  You couldn't wait to see their faces.  You almost enjoyed  the anticipation of their reaction more than actually being there.  

That's the way God feels about your future, specifically, this coming year.  He has seen it, and He wants you to know that it's GOOD!  That's good news.  When God declares your future is bright, it will be awesome.  

Now what?  Start preparing.  Before the increase comes, before the expansion comes, He wants you to enlarge the place that you are in and stretch yourself in every way.  Expand your vision.  Expand your expectations.  Expand your imagination.  Expand your thinking. 

If you're seeking a new job, get your resume together.  If you want to have a child, make some room.  If you want to go back to school, apply.  If you want to write a cookbook, gather your recipes and create new ones.  If you want to save 10% of your income, open a designated bank account.  Take action steps toward your desires and see God work on your behalf. 

Family, God wants you to get ready and expect such favor and increase in the days ahead.  Expect to see good things happen to you.  Expect to see the commanded blessing on you and your family.  Expect many good days.  Yes, have a HAPPY new year!