The Law Has Left the Building

Romans 10-4.png

Romans 10:4 "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth" 

Many have heard and used the phrase "Elvis has left the building", but why and when did it start?  Elvis Presley was possibly the most famous singer from the 20th century. He had millions of fans, and still does. Promoter, Horace Lee Logan first used this phrase at the Municipal Auditorium in Shreveport, Louisiana. Elvis had appeared in the middle of the night's lineup, and Logan needed to quiet the audience so that the remaining performers could play.  Today it's used as a catchphrase or punch line, meaning that something has reached completion, or has ended. 

In Romans 10:4 Paul says "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes".  The law has "left the building" folks.  If you're a believer, the law is over, gone.  Trying to perform to get God to move is over.  Self-effort Is over.  As a believer in Jesus, the Old Testament law is not for you, "Christ is the end of the law".  The law has left the building and never to return.  It's an old system.  The grace, favor and blessing of God, that's unearned, undeserved  and unmerited is here. One more time, the law has left the building.  Grace is building you up.  You've been made righteous through the finished work of the cross.