A Blessing Going Someplace to Happen


Proverbs 10:22 "the blessing of the Lord it makes rich, and He adds no sorrow with it" 

In the 1970's, there was a very successful sitcom called What's Happening?  It took place in Los Angeles and followed the daily lives of five young people.  The show is long gone, but the phrase lives on…Hey, what's happening?" 

In Proverbs 10:22 Solomon, the writer of the proverbs says, the blessing that's ON and IN your life, IT makes rich.  Wow!  That’s awesome.  That’s encouraging.  That’s empowering!  It's not what you DO that makes your rich, it's what's ON you, the blessing.    

That means that wherever you go, whoever you meet, whosoever hand you shake, when you go food shopping, when you go to the hair dresser, you are a blessing going someplace to manifest something great.  Something healthy.  Something awesome.  

The blessing isn’t a thing, it's not a car, it's not a house, the blessing is an empowerment that touches every single area of your life.  It's something tangible, supernatural.  If you touch something it gets affected for good.  Things last longer.  You have something in you that will make you rich in every area of your life.  Your health is rich, your family is rich, your money is rich, your days are full of riches.  Job 36:11 says you spend your days in prosperity.  

So when you wake up tomorrow, see yourself rich in every way.  Look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I'm a blessing going someplace to happen".  On your way to work say, "I'm a blessing going someplace to happen".  When you walk into that classroom or appointment say, "I am a blessing going someplace to happen".   THAT'S what's happening!