We serve a happy God!.png

1 Timothy 1:10,11 "Sound doctrine (is) in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed (happy) God" 

A great part of God's glory is His happiness.  Paul says that "sound or healthy doctrine" is in agreement with an understanding that God is a happy God, not an angry God.  Paul used the phrase "the glory of the happy God" because it is a glorious thing for God to be as happy as He is, infinitely happy. 

Gods glory consists much in the fact that He is happy beyond our wildest imagination.  This is the gospel, the gospel of the glory of the happy God.  It is great news that God is gloriously happy, no one would want to spend eternity with an unhappy God!  

Jesus invites us to spend eternity with a happy God when He says, "enter into the joy of your master", Mathew 25:23.  Jesus lived and died that His joy, God's joy, "might be in us and our joy might be full", John 15:11. The happiness of God is first and foremost for His Son.  So, the exact same happiness that God has for Jesus, He has for you and me.  

Revelation 4:11 says, "for thou has created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created".   You and I were created by God for a very important purpose, we make God happy!  Certainly not because of our behavior, but because of His extreme love for us and His son Jesus.  We bring Him great joy.  He is a happy God.  Enjoy Him today the way He enjoys you…be happy!