Jesus Power & Light

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Exodus 10:21, 23 - “Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that darkness spreads over Egypt--darkness that can be felt’. No one could see anyone else or move about for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived.”

This was an amazing miracle. All the homes in Egypt were so dark that the darkness could literally be felt. But the children of Israel, which had no oil to light their lamps, had light in their homes. It was a supernatural light, not a manmade light. No matter what’s going on in your home, Jesus has paid the “light bill” and His “power” is available to restore every area of your family and household.

None of us have done everything perfect. It’s so good to know that God’s grace is sufficient for us. When darkness tries to close in on our homes, we have Light in our dwellings. There is a supernatural restoration that was bought and paid for by Jesus Christ, through the finished work of the cross. Every family member and every adverse situation is being supernaturally reconciled. Rejoice! There can be darkness all around, but not in your house! Jesus’ power and light never dims and never runs out.