"Eveready" to Believe the Best

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1 Corinthians 13:7 (Amplified) “Love bears up under anything and everything that comes. Is ever ready to believe the best of every person”

The Eveready brand of battery has been around for over 100 years. I love their company tagline: Every family. Everywhere. Every day. It reminds me of what 1 Corinthians 13:7 says, that God’s love in us is “ever ready” to believe the best of every person. I’ve been declaring this very thing over my own life.

God’s love is not like human, conditional love. It doesn’t automatically assume the worst about people based on what they say or do. It chooses to think the best about a person, and not judge their motives or intentions. As a born again believer, you already have the love of God on the inside of you (Romans 5:5). You’ve already got the grace to believe the best of every person. It’s your choice. Decide today that you will believe the best of every person, everywhere, every day.