Pay it Forward

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John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life”

Earlier this month, one customer at a Dairy Queen Drive-Thru in Minnesota sparked a community to be the gift that keeps on giving! “Every once in a while”, said Dairy Queen general manager Tina Jensen, “we will have a customer who will offer to foot the bill of the customer behind them”. When this happens the Dairy Queen employee will ask the customer who received the free items if they’d like to “pay it forward” by taking care of the bill of the person behind them. Ms. Jensen said that this will usually continue for about 15 or 20 cars. But on Thursday, December 3rd something happened that was extraordinary, it lasted for two straight days, uninterrupted!

That’s what happened when God gave us His only begotten Son. It was the gift that keeps on giving. Early believers shared their faith with others, and they shared their faith with others, and two thousand years later, believers continue to share their faith with others. It’s the gift that has never stopped paying it forward! If you’ve received the gift of everlasting life and Jesus as your Savior, it’s because someone shared their faith with you. Now it’s your turn to share it with someone else, again and again. Pay it forward!