Don't Fall on Your Can

Don't Fall on Your Can - FB.png

Philemon 1:6 “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus”.

When I played tug-of-war as a kid, we liked to play over a big mud hole. We did our best to try and pull the other team into the mud. But if we were losing and getting too close to falling in the hole ourselves, we would let go of the rope and let the other team fall backwards. We may not have won, but at least the other team fell on their “can”!

Satan does the same thing to believers today. He knows he can’t take you out of the game, so he’ll do his best to get you to fall on your “can”. He uses condemnation and lies and deception to bring you down. He says things like, “If you were such a great Christian, why are you so sick?”. If you are such a great Christian, why are you divorced?” He wants you to focus on your circumstances instead of who you are in Christ.

Philemon 1:6 says that in order to make your faith effectual, you need to acknowledge every GOOD thing that’s in you in Christ Jesus. You might ask, “What’s so good in me, all I see are faults and failures?” The good that’s in you is in your SPIRIT. Jesus lives on the inside of your born-again spirit. Your spirit is perfect, you are complete in Christ. Don’t let the devil throw you off balance with his lies. Stand strong and declare today who you are in Christ!