God's Super Glue

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Acts 11:23 “Who, when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with all purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord”.

Years ago, my wife Natalie was gluing several pieces of a small statue back together with superglue. Only problem was, she glued her finger to the statue. She had to call for help her get her finger safely and painlessly unglued. Not an easy task, that’s some strong stuff.

In Acts 11:23, the entire atmosphere changed when Barnabus came on the scene. The reason being, he brought with him a powerful gift…encouragement. The verse says that when Barnabus had seen the grace of God in action, he was glad and exhorted them all. What did he exhort or encourage them to do? To purpose in their heart to cleave to the Lord.

Cleave means to adhere firmly and closely, and unwavering. In these days God is calling you to cleave to Jesus. To purpose in your heart to stay “glued” to Him, no matter what is going on in the world. To follow His instruction, His Word, His voice, His plan, and His will for your life without wavering. Don’t be moved or shaken or shifting. Stay consistent, stable and fixed on Jesus. Like Barnabus, I encourage you today to purpose in your heart to cleave to the Lord and never let go.