Sit Still and Rest

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Ruth 3:18 “Then she said, “Sit still, my daughter, until you know how the matter will turn out; for the man will not rest until he has concluded the matter this day.”

Are you sometimes impatient? In a hurry? Okay, everyone put your hands down. When these feelings come, sometimes the best thing you can do is sit still and rest. Huh? Sounds counterproductive, I know. But did you know that when you rest God works and when you work God rests? God is in the finishing business. What He does He finishes. The last words of Jesus were “It is finished”. The next time you feel anxious and want to DO something, what you can DO is rest. In Ruth 3:18 the Lord is literally telling us that if WE would rest, HE will not rest, until HE has finished the matter for you. What is it that you want Jesus to finish for you? What is it you’re looking for Him to make visible? Get ready, because while you sit still, He is working, even right now. And as you rest, quietly say to yourself, “It is finished”. Say to that situation, “It is finished”. Sit still and rest.