There's Gold in Them Thar Hills

Gold in Them Thar Hills - FB.png

Isaiah 12:3 “Therefore with joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation“

When the gold rush in Georgia was believed to be over, many miners headed west to join the 1849 California Gold Rush. M.F. Stephenson thought differently and in the town square of Dahlonega, GA proclaimed to over 200 men, "Why go to California? There’s gold in them thar hills. In that ridge lies more gold than man ever dreamt of. There's millions in it." The quote was later made famous by Yosemite Sam in the Looney Tunes cartoons. Today, over 160 years later, the catchphrase “There’s gold in them thar hills!” is still used to bring attention to an opportunity, and usually means “There are riches to be found there!”

But even more valuable and precious than gold is what’s already on the inside of every believer. Isaiah 12:3 says, “With joy you draw water out of the wells of your salvation”. Salvation is an all-encompassing word that describes all that Jesus did for us on the cross. He redeemed us from sin, sickness, poverty, death, and eternal separation from God. There’s an unlimited reservoir inside of you. Everything you need, it’s all there. Wisdom, strength, healing, provision, truth, direction, value, and so much more. Just draw it out with joy. There are rivers of living water on the inside of you (John 7:38). Whatever your need is today, just draw it out! There’s gold in them thar hills!