Move On or Move Forward by Natalie Fortunato

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"Let's just move on". Sure, that's an option. But how about if we "move forward" instead? To move on, we put the old aside and go on to something new. But to move forward, we choose to take what we learned from the old and make the new even better. What can we take from 2020 to make 2021 our best year yet? What amazing things happened in the midst of turmoil?

Jesus said in John 10:10 "the thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they might have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance". I love this verse because it doesn't ignore that bad things do happen, but it also shows that those bad things don't come from God. On the contrary, Jesus came that we might have and enjoy life. We get to choose how we will respond to the bad things that come our way...move on or move forward.

At the South Jersey Dream Center, our mission is to help people take steps forward, to change their status quo, and fulfill their God given purpose. For many people in poverty, they've heard all their life that "this is it for you, this is all there is". That's simply not true. When people discover their value and how much they are loved unconditionally by their Heavenly Father, something good happens on the inside. And when good things happen on the inside, good things eventually start to happen on the outside. They begin to move forward into a life they've only "dreamed" of.

In 2020, we received and distributed over 175,000 pounds of resources to thousands of local families. But we don't want to just "move on" from here, we want to move forward...literally! We've outgrown our donated space (again), and hope to move into a facility of our own this year. Let's move forward together!