Don't Let Fear Shut You Up

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John 20:19-20 “Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst and said, peace be with you. When He said this, He showed them His hands and His side, and His disciples were glad.”

Why were the doors shut? “For fear of the Jews”. Knowing this, Jesus first words as He stood in the midst of them was “peace be with you”. Jesus is saying the same thing to you today. Don’t let fear shut you up. Don’t hide behind closed doors in fear or hide behind a closed mouth in fear. Open your mouth and say, “Peace is with me!”

The Hebrew word for peace is shalom meaning wholeness and completeness. In John 20:19-20, Jesus spoke shalom and then He showed His nail pierced hands and a His side. These were the receipts of His payment for your guaranteed peace. When fear comes, the enemy can gain a lot of ground if you will just keep your mouth shut. Don’t let that happen, speak out God’s promises in faith. Don’t let the spirit of fear shut you up. Declare over every negative situation in your life today, “It is well”. Remember Jesus’ nail pierced hands and His side and do like the disciples did, BE GLAD! Open the door of your mouth today and rejoice and shout “Peace, peace, Jesus is with me!”