Weak Things to Confound the Mighty

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1 Corinthians 1:27 “God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty“

Time and time again we see how God defeated the enemies of the children of Israel not through a great military but through seemingly insignificant things. God used a sling and a stone to bring down Goliath. He used a hammer and a tent peg in the hands of a defenseless woman to take down Sisera a ruthless Canaanite who oppressed Israel for 20 years. He used the jawbone of a donkey in the hand of Samson to defeat a thousand Philistines.

In the same way one little communion wafer and a cup of juice, what seems so small, can utterly destroy diseases the world has no cure for. When a Gentile woman came to Jesus seeking healing for her demonized daughter, Jesus referred to healing as “the children’s bread”. In Matthew 15:27, the woman said “even a crumb” would be enough to heal her daughter. That’s awesome. That’s what grace is. God chooses little things to defeat a tumor, to defeat insurmountable debt, to bring your child off the street and back home. God uses the weakest little things to give you huge victories!