Can't Grow a Beard Overnight

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Matthew 12:20 “A bruised reed He will not break, a smoking flax He will not quench”

How often have we expected new converts to produce fruit overnight? The moment they are saved we expect them to stop cussing and to choose their words carefully. We expect them to instantly stop smoking, drinking and running around, and read their Bible and pray an hour a day. It’s like a father who expects his son to grow a beard overnight. It’s impossible. It takes time. Then once he gets started, he will keep growing a beard for the rest of his life.

Our heavenly Father is so patient and loving in His expectations of us. Matthew 12:20 says that a bruised or an imperfect reed He will not break and He doesn’t throw away. Instead, through His grace, love and mercy He restores each “bruised reed” to its original purpose. To make the beautiful flute-like sound that it was created to make. It just takes time. Remember, we can’t expect to “grow a full beard overnight”. We start with “stubble” and then experience growth every day. He’s so faithful. His grace never ends. Let’s be patient with ourselves and those around us.