Use Your Inside Voice

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Matthew 10:27 (Amplified Bible) - “What I say to you (privately) tell in the light (publicly) and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim from the (housetops) to many people”

As parents, many times we’ve softly told our over-excited kids, “Use your inside voice”. In other words, they were talking too loud in an inside setting. It’s a not too subtle request to speak more quietly. The inside voice, according to Matthew 10:27 means that God speaks to our hearts, in our born again spirit, and tells us things in secret. He whispers things in our ear. That’s so important to our walk with the Lord. He has so much He wants to tell us and share with us every day. But it doesn’t stop there. The real power comes when we speak those things out publicly and “proclaim them from the housetops to many people”.

Psalm 19:14 says something extremely powerful, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight”. Meditating on and proclaiming what God speaks to our hearts (our inside voice) is what brings supernatural results and manifestations in our lives. We must allow God’s Word to “marinate” in our hearts, then when we speak them out, they carry weight and power. God created the worlds with His Word and He’s created us with that same authority and power. So “use your inside voice” and proclaim publicly what God is speaking to you privately, and you’ll see things happen that will astound you!