Your Mountains Melt Like Butter

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Psalm 97:5 “The mountains melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.”

How do you like your butter? Refrigerated or unrefrigerated? In our house, we love unrefrigerated butter, fresh from the butter dish in our cupboard. The knife just slides right through and spreads perfectly across toast. For all you refrigerated butter fans, you must chop away at the butter and then somehow spread the slivers across your food. Am I right about that?

For those of you who have been reading the Weekly E-Messages for any length of time, you know that I see everything through the eyes of Grace vs. Law. Hence…the softened butter is Grace, and the hardened butter is the Law. The Law is like a mountain, immovable and unyielding. Grace is Jesus, and Psalm 97:5 says that “mountains melt like wax in the presence of the Lord”. It’s easy. It’s effortless.

What’s your mountain today? Is it a mountain of debt? Is it a mountain of pain? Is it a mountain of confusion? Allow the presence of God and the power of His Word to melt every mountain you are facing like wax. His presence and His Word are the answer to every worried or anxious thought you have. Enjoy His mountain-melting presence today!