"Prayer" Conditioning

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Psalm 39:3 NIV “My heart grew hot within me. While I meditated the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue”

I’ll tell you what, it’s been a hot summer so far, some real scorchers! I don’t know about you, but I can’t imagine life without air conditioning. I thank God for it. But here’s a twist for you, according to Psalm 39:3, “prayer” conditioning “warms” the heart. This is one of my favorite scriptures because it speaks of how the Holy Spirit speaks to us as we meditate on God’s Word.

Many people think that praying is all about us talking. Yes, that’s part of it. But it’s also about meditating on God’s Word, letting it get “hot” within you. That’s when God speaks to your heart, and something happens on the inside of your spirit. It’s special and powerful. That’s “prayer conditioning”. It doesn’t cool the heart; it warms the heart. It’s a conversation between you and the Holy Spirit in your heart without uttering a word. I encourage you to take some time every day to meditate on God’s Word. Let it warm your heart, let the fire of God’s Word burn within you. Then “speak with your tongue”. Speak out what the Holy Spirit has shared with you. Keep your “prayer conditioning” running all the time and all year long!