
James 4:7 " Submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you" 

Much of religion today believes in a fatalistic mentality that everything that happens in life, whether good or bad, must be God's will.  They say things like, "bad things happen to good people".  I know what people mean by it, but what's behind it is a doctrine of the extreme sovereignty of God, that says no matter what happens in your life, it's from God. 

The term "kismet" is an old Turkish word that simply means "fate".  In other words, if someone dies of cancer, or a terrible accident happens to a family member, or a woman is raped, well, it must have been God's will, or at the very least, it couldn’t have happened unless God allowed it!   

In James 4:7, we are told to submit to God and resist the devil.  But why resist if everything is from God?  Because it's not!!  Sickness is not from God.  Acts 10:38 says "How God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil".  

It also says, "and he will flee from you", the keyword here is you (and me).  God will allow what we allow.  So don't just accept that you have to live below the standards of God's covenant of blessing, health, favor, and the good life!  To resist means to actively fight against.  Don't just accept depression as the norm, lack as a way of life, sickness as something to just endure, but instead, use your authority, speak the Word, and say NO!  It's your choice…resist or kismet?


My Pillow

My Pillow.jpg

Mark 4:38 "And He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master carest thou not that we perish?" 

Have you heard the pillow commercial on TV and Radio with a catchy jingle that says, "For the best night's sleep in the whole wide world,".  Now, I’m not endorsing "My Pillow", but I love the concept. You probably didn’t know that My Pillow is the official pillow of the National Sleep Foundation.  Founder, Mike Lindell, tells the purpose behind the pillow, "When I invented My Pillow, my dream was to help as many people get a good night's sleep as possible". 

In Mark 4:38, it says that Jesus was in the back of a ship sleeping on a pillow in the middle of a storm. I think most of us would be busy bailing water out of the ship, or screaming for help!  Not Jesus, He's asleep on a pillow in the middle of the storm.  It was the peace that was already on the inside of Him, that allowed Him to sleep through a storm.  It was that same peace that was spoken out of His mouth, "Peace, be still", that calmed the storm.  Jesus shows us a picture of restful increase.  His sleep was evidence of his trust, faith and rest that "all is well".  

We have that same peace, the fruit of the Holy Spirit, on the inside of our born again spirit, that is to be exhibited in our actions and our words. When we rest He works, but when we work He rests.  More happens when we rest, than when we don't rest.  So grab your grace pillow, lay your head down, and rest on the promises of God.  


Blank Slate Baby by Natalie Fortunato

Colossians 2:14 (The Message) "Think of it!  All sins forgiven, the slate wiped clean, that old arrest warrant canceled and nailed to Christ’s cross".  

In 2014, Taylor Swift wrote a song called Blank Space, poking fun at all her multiple failed romances and the casualties she's left behind.  Though her relationships were at a loss, her song won a Grammy for Song of the Year..crazy! 

I'd like to put a little twist to her song title, to help you remember this very helpful principle when dealing with your close relationships.  Here it is: Blank Slate!  If God has wiped the slate clean with all our sin, how about if we wipe the slate clean at the close of every day with other's sins against us?  

Ephesians 4:26-27 says to “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil."  In other words, wipe the slate clean every night and wake up the next day with a clean slate, totally empty, no records of wrongdoing against anyone.  Don't mess up today with your wife, or husband, or best friend, or boss, or neighbor's mess ups (intentional or unintentional) from yesterday.  

Paul said there is one thing that he does…forget those things that are behind and reach forward to those things ahead (Phil. 3:13). If you need to confront something, do it in a godly way, then regardless of the outcome, move on!  Forgive!  Let it go!  Start each day with a blank slate baby! 


Say Goodbye to Guilt

Gal 4:17 (The Message Bible)  "Those heretical teachers go to great lengths to flatter you, but their motives are rotten. They want to shut you out of the free world of God's grace so that you will always depend on them for approval and direction, making themselves important." 

The biggest curse in the body of Christ today is the enormous amount of guilt, condemnation, shame, and fear.  These destructive behaviors are totally disarming and paralyzing the people of God. Sadly, statistics have shown that Pentecostals, Charismatic's and full gospel people suffer with guilt and guilt related disorders more than any other religious group in the world. 

The dictionary defines guilt as, the feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, or crime, whether real or imagined.  The reason why is we get hooked on what I call a toxic mixture of old testament law and new testament grace.  Once you mix the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life, it will poison every area of your Christian life. 

For the majority of believers in the church today, guilt is their drug of choice.  For many, if they don't feel guilty, they wonder how they be motivated to serve God!  Some actually think guilt is a Christian emotion. IT"S NOT! Paul calls this mixture "another gospel".  Any time a person tries to earn the love, acceptance, forgiveness and favor of God, it is going to result in guilt, condemnation, shame and fear. God's unmerited favor is the answer that will deliver God's people from this addiction.  God loves, accepts, and forgives every one of us unconditionally.  It's time to kick the habit!


Grace that Laid the Golden Egg

Deuteronomy 8:18 "Remember the Lord your God, for it is He that gives you the power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers as it is this day" 

One of Aesop's Fables, called The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg, is about a man and his wife who owned a very special goose. Every day the goose would lay a golden egg, which made the couple very rich. "Just think", said the man's wife, "If we could have all the golden eggs that are inside the goose, we could be richer much faster".  "You're right", said her husband, "We wouldn't have to wait for the goose to lay her egg every day". So the couple killed the goose and cut her open, only to find that she was just like every other goose. There were no golden eggs inside, and now they had no goose and no more golden eggs. 

In Deuteronomy 8:18, the Word of God speaks about where your wealth comes from.  Let's use this fable to better understand this scripture.  Please pay close attention.  

In this scripture, what would represent the golden egg?  Money, wealth, riches?  No.  The golden egg is God's favor and the power to get wealth.     

Who would be the goose?  Who would be the one producing the golden eggs?  You, with all your hard work, talents, and good business sense?  Those are all important, but no, it's not you. It's the blessing of God on your life, and your covenant with Him.  

It's God's super on your natural that makes you supernatural regarding your finances. It's the blessing of God that causes things to happen financially that can't be explained or seem impossible.  It's the blessing of God that gives you insight and wisdom beyond your ability and expertise.  It's the blessing of God that positions you for breakthrough and promotion.  It's the blessing of God that causes "whatever you put your hand to" to prosper. Do you see it?  He's "the grace that laid the golden egg!"


Unzip Your New Self

Ephesians 4:24 NIV "And put on your new self created after God in righteousness and true holiness" 

The other day I needed to make a copy of a document, so I placed it on the copy machine, pressed the button, and boom there was an exact copy of the document.  It didn’t change any of the words, everything was exactly, perfectly the same as the original, absolutely no difference at all. 

Similarly, if I wanted to see exactly what my born again Spirit-filled spirit was like, I know what I could do.  I could place the pages of my Bible on the copy machine and that's exactly what my spirit would look like. My born again spirit is an exact copy of what the Word says.  You have a new you! 

Ephesians 4:24 says that your new self was created in righteousness and true holiness.  That's awesome.  I often think, if I could zipper open my body and see into my spirit, I would see righteousness and holiness.  You and I are an exact grace copy of the Word of grace and favor.  Inside of you and me is health, abundance, purpose and victory.  John 6:63 says, "The Words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life".  The life of God Himself is on the inside of you!  You're a grace copy!  Time to unzip your new self!


The Happy God

1 Timothy 1:11 (Rotherham's Emphasized Bible) "…the glad-message of the glory of the happy God…" 

The other day I was laughing and talking with someone about the Lord, and how good He is.  We were having such a fun time.  When I walked away, someone I had never seen before, was listening to our conversation, and glared at me, then quietly cursed at me and said that I had no idea what I was talking about.  If eyes were guns and looks were bullets, I would’ve been target practice! This was not a happy person. 

I love this translation for 1Timothy 1:11 that says "It’s the glad message of THE HAPPY GOD".  This is such great news.  I can assure you today that God's definitely not glaring at you.  In fact, whenever He thinks about you, which is all the time, He's grinning from ear to ear!  To glare means to frown, to scowl, to glower, to make a nasty face (love that one), to look with daggers (like that one too) to give someone a look of disgust. 

Well, there's nothing you can do to make God glare at you.  The gospel of Grace declares that God loves you with a love you cannot measure.  To quote Philip Yancey, "Grace means there is nothing I can do to make God love me more, and nothing I can do to make God love me less".  Another definition is " the good, glad, merry news that makes you want to jump and leap for joy". 

God is a happy God and has a glad message, so smile!  God's not frowning at you, He's not mad at you, and He's not even in a bad mood.  You put a big smile on His face! 


Honk Lessons From Geese

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 "Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor. If one person falls , the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble" 

Last Saturday night it was kind of cloudy but warm outside, so I took my dog for a walk.  Then the strangest thing happened.  We were walking along, and I couldn’t see anythingin the sky but I could hear geese honking directly over my head.  

As a goose flaps its wings it creates an "uplift" for the birds that follow.  I learned that by flying a "V" formation, the whole flock adds 71% greater flying range then if each bird on its own.  When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and the resistance of flying alone. It quickly moves back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front of it. 

If we have as much sense as a goose, we would stay in formation with those headed where we want to go.  Are we willing to accept their help and give our help to others?  Two are always so much better than one.  HONK if you're willing to work with others!  You'll accomplish so much more.  It's called " synergy", where two or more people work together to produce a result not obtainable by any one independently.  Two are better than one.  Stay tuned next week for Part Two of "Honk Lessons From Geese".  


So Much More

I have to say, Romans, chapter 5 has some of the most amazing truths in one portion of scripture.  Four times Paul uses the term "much more" in reference to a believer’s life after the cross…

Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him - Verse 9

But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many - Verse 15 

For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ) - Verse 17 

Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: - Verse 20 

God has called you to so much more.  You serve a much more God.  Much more opportunity in life, much more forgiveness toward others, much more favor on your job, much more restoration in your family.  Much more than you ever had before.  Much more than you will ever need.  So much more.


The Real Mr. Universe by Natalie Fortunato

"And he blessed Abram, saying, "Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth."  Genesis 14:19 

No matter how strong and mighty and powerful and magnificent someone might appear to be, none can compare to "God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth".  Heaven is His throne and the earth is His footstool (Isaiah 66:1).  He is all knowing, all powerful, and everywhere at one time.  He is God. 

Yet, He is our Papa, our Abba, our Father.  Imagine that. The One who holds the world in His hand (Psalm 95:4), holds our hand (Isaiah 42:6).  The One who called the universe into existence (Gen. 1:1), calls us sons and daughters (2 Cor. 6:18).  The One whose expanse exceeds galaxies and has no end, chose to live and abide in us (John 15:4) (2 Cor. 4:7).  

He is MY Dad, and He is the real, and the one and only Mr. Universe.


No Trespassing!

Gen 15:11 (The Living Bible) – “Some vultures came down to eat the carcasses, but Abram chased them away”

One Sunday I was dosing off while watching a football game after church, when I heard a commotion in my front yard.  A Pit Bull had gotten loose from one of the neighbor’s fenced in yard, and had wandered onto our property.  He was met face to face with our dog Benny, an oversized Yorkshire Terrier.  I knew that all that dog needed to do was position his jaw a certain way on Benny’s body and things would be quite serious.  On the contrary, it was Benny that had the Pit Bull on the run and was nipping at his tail and chasing him off our property.

In Genesis 15:11, Abram had laid out a sacrifice as a sign and a response to his covenant with Almighty God.  As he did this, some vultures tried to “trespass” on his sacrifice, but Abram “chased” them away!  That’s exactly what we need to do when the devil tries to come on our “property”.  Drive those “vultures” off of what belongs to you through the finished work of the cross.  You do this by exercising your authority through speaking the Word of God over your family, your teenager, your body, your bank account, your thought life and whatever else it might be.  Jesus said, “I have given you power…over all the power of the enemy”!  Declare today, “No Trespassing!”, in Jesus’ name.


Recipe for a Miracle

Acts 8:5,6 "Then Philip [the deacon not the Apostle] went down to the city and preached Christ unto them. And the people with one accord gave heed to those things which Philip spoke, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did"

Miracles are awesome, they are for today, they are for each of us, and not just a select few.  What is a miracle?  A miracle is the intervention of God, through a person, in the normal course of nature.  How do miracles happen?  The way I see it, you have to have the right recipe.

First it says in Acts 8:5, Philip, the deacon, not the Apostle…I like that because Philip was simply serving in the church.  If you’re a person who serves, you’re a candidate for "interventions in the regular course of nature".  You don’t have to be a preacher or a famous minister.  Philip cleaned, served, waited on people and he saw miracles that changed a city. 

Here's 3 simple ingredients for a miracle life:

1.    Attitude!  What is your attitude when you have an seemingly insurmountable problem?  Is it "I have a huge problem" or "I have an opportunity for God to come through"?

2.    Look to Jesus for instructions, almost all of the miracles in the Bible involved a human being's participation.

3.    Don't rush!  Learn to wait to hear the voice of God.  Don't move too soon, but don’t be afraid to make a mistake either. 

Like Philip, there is a miracle-lifestyle waiting for you.  God has other's in mind when he called you to your job, your family, your church, your city, so go for it!

Pole Vaulting and Grace

Mathew 5 21-22 "You have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shall not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment; But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment:"

I really enjoyed the summer Olympics.  One of my favorite events to watch is Pole Vaulting.  Can you imagine running full speed down a runway, jamming a flexible pole into a hole in the ground, holding on for dear life, propelling yourself into the air over a 16 or 17 foot bar, and landing on a cushion.  What?!!  In Rio, after many successful vaults, it came down to Sandi Morris of the U.S. and Ekaterini Stefanidi of Greece in the Women's Pole Vault.  Stefanidi won the gold because Morris' leg simply brushed the bar 16'3".

In Mathew 5:21-22, Jesus does something very interesting.  He quotes the law from Exodus 20:13 in saying, "Thou shall not kill".  Then, just in case people dismiss this commandment because they wouldn’t even think of killing someone, He actually raises the bar, to show their need for a Savior.

He said, "That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment ".  What?!!  If you're angry with someone, you have broken the law?  Yes, that's what He said.  This was just another way of proving that keeping the law is impossible.  He knew that eventually everyone is going to miss it, brush the bar, and it's going to topple over.

What is the answer?  Grace.  Grace pole vaults you OVER the bar, and gives you what you need to overcome in every area of life.  Even if you have less misses than someone else, according to the law, if you miss it once, you are guilty of the whole law.  Not with grace.  God knew we would miss it, that's why He provided a Savior that would take upon Himself all our sin, past, present and future.  He took what we deserve, and freely gave us what we don't deserve…grace.  And grace sends us soaring!  Enjoy!


The Worst Trade in History

Exodus 19:8 "And all the people answered together, and said, "all that the Lord hath spoken we will do"
The worst trade that ever took place in sports history was when the Boston Red Sox traded future baseball icon Babe Ruth for $100,000 and a loan of $300,000 to finance the musical No, No Nannette.  Red Sox owner, Harry Frazee, dealt Ruth to the arch rival New York Yankees and watched them dominate the World Series for the next 20 years while his team won absolutely nothing.  Again, the worst trade in sports history!
The covenant God made with Abraham and his seed was based totally on grace.  Every blessing that Abraham and his descendents received was unearned.  Every promise undeserved.  This is clearly seen in the exodus of Israel. On their flight from Egypt they complained and murmured, and still God did not treat them as their sins deserved. Instead He gave them grace.
At Sinai, everythingchanged. The Israelites traded the grace and goodness of God for the law.  They actually chose a covenant whereGod's blessings now hinged on their faithfulness. 
THIS is undeniably THE worst trade in history, of all time!  Before the law, the Israelites sinned and received God's grace.  On the day they received the law the Israelites sinned again, but this time 3,000 people died.   Like I said, the worst trade in history.  They exchanged God's grace and mercy for a performance based covenant, the law..
But thanks be to God for the blood of Jesus, which paid the penalty for our sin once and for all, and redeemed us from the curse of the law.  Romans 10:4 says, "Christ is the END of the law for righteousness to them that believe".  Hallelujah!  The trade has been reversed and it's time to win, win, win, again! 


Grace Partakers

Ephesians 2:8 (Amplified Bible) "For it is by free grace [God's unmerited favor] that you are saved [delivered from judgment] and made partakers of Christ's salvation] through [your] faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God"

When I was growing up, dinner time was a very memorable experience in the Fortunato household, with seven of us at our kitchen table every night.  Every one talking about their day, all genuinely interested in one another, it was something I will never forget. But wait a minute, let's back up to the beginning.  Here's the real memorable part.  We'd all rush to the table, spread bountifully with my mom's good cookin', my father would pray, then it was "every man for himself".  If you wanted to get your fill, you had to just "take it"!

In Ephesians 2:8, Paul said that we have been made partakers of Christ's salvation.  This word salvation is the Greek word sodzo, which means forgiveness, health, prosperity, freedom, protection, defense, and rescue. Notice he says that we have already been made partakers.  Partake means to take or be given a portion, to have a share or part of something, to bite, consume, feast, or swallow.

So, what do I use to partake of the meal that is set before me? Your mouth. That’s how we partake, we use our words.  The more we use our mouth the more we partake. Faith is the fork that brings what already is to our mouth.  2 Corinthians 4:13 says, "We having the same spirit of faith, we believe therefore we speak".  Faith is believing and speaking!  Believe, receive, and say "thank you".  DINNER IS SERVED!


You're Not the Only One

1 Kings 19:14 " I, even I, only am left" 

Have you ever felt like you’re the “only one” going through a certain problem or challenge in your life? Have you ever looked around and said to yourself, everyone else seems to doing just fine, what’s wrong with me?  I’m the only one not married wherever I go.  I seem to be the only one living paycheck to paycheck. 

Anytime you’re tempted to start a sentence with "I'm the only one", you need to stop.  What you’re about to say is not true.  Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun". 

Remember Elijah, in 1 Kings 19, who allowed discouragement and fear to drive him from totally fulfilling his God given purpose.  Even after he had seen fire come down from heaven and consume his sacrifice, and after he singlehandedly killed 850 false prophets with his sword.  He still allowed fear to rule him, which resulted in a series of bad decisions.  

He declared in 1 Kings 19:14, "I, even I only am left".  Well that wasn't even close to being true.  In 1 Kings 19:18, the Lord said, “I have 7,000 in Israel who have not bowed to Baal".  Elijah wasn't the only one, and neither are you.  Others have endured and won, and so will you through Christ.  Wipe “I’m the only” from your vocabulary.  Reject the "I, only I” syndrome.  That's a ploy of the devil to get you to quit.  Be encouraged today, you’re NOT the only one!  You will fulfill your purpose!

Inside-Out Living

Romans 8: 11 “But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you"

Have you ever run out of clean socks, and the laundry wasn’t quite finished, so you simply turned a pair of dirty socks inside out and wore them again?  If you haven’t, you ought to try it, works for me!  Just sayin'.

What truly changed my thinking concerning the new covenant of grace, was that under this new covenant, I'm no longer living from the “outside-in”, but I'm living from the “inside-out”. This truth changed my perspective about everything.  Everything I needed was resident on the inside of my born again spirit.  It was just a matter of releasing what I already had, not hoping and waiting for the promises of God to manifest themselves sometime in the future.

Healing is in you now, prosperity is in you now, peace is in you now, freedom is already in you, unlimited resources are already in you. If it’s in Christ, it’s in you, because Christ is in you.  No more outside-in living, but instead inside-out living.  Simply begin to release your faith in the goodness and grace of God, and the finished work of the cross.  Begin to thank God for all that you already have because of the blood of Jesus alone!

Romans 8:11 tells us that the Holy Spirit is "quickening" your physical body, from the inside-out.  To quicken means to give life to, Hallelujah!!  Go ahead, turn your thinking and believing inside-out, and watch provision flow for every area of your life!

Pick Up Sticks

Numbers 15:32 " And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks on the Sabbath day"

When I was a kid we spent a lot of our rainy days inside playing all kinds of games. Monopoly, war, a card game, hide and seek, one of the games we always played was a game called " pickup sticks". The object of the game was to pick up the most sticks. To begin the game a bundle of sticks are randomly distributed so that they end up in a tangled pile. The players attempt to remove a single stick without moving any other stick. Players must not move any other things while attempting to remove the stick, if any other stick moves, he loses his turn.

In Numbers 15: 32-36, there's a story of a man who simply picked up sticks on the Sabbath day, you would have thought that he broke some law or something because immediately he was thrown in a prison and the Lord said " The man shall be surely put to death"! WOW! What is going on? You pick up a few sticks on a Sabbath and your put to death. According to the ten commandments you couldn't do any work at all, no raking leaves, no laundry, no washing the car. That all changed when Jesus came, Moses came by the law but Jesus came by grace and truth, under the law there was serious consequences for breaking any of the laws of Moses, now you can "PICKUP STICKS" and not be stoned! Good news you are not under the law but you are under grace so you don't have to live under fear of punishment from an angry God He loves you and accepts you!

So pickup as many sticks as you want this Sunday, play tennis, go swimming, and if your scheduled by your boss to work, you're in a guilt free zone He is your Sabbath rest, be blessed not stressed! God's not mad at you He's not even giving you a dirty look, He certainly loves and accepts you.