No More Tears

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Revelation 21:4 “And God shall wipe away ALL tears from their eyes....for the former things have passed away”.

As I was texting someone a New Year’s greeting, I tapped the wrong key and accidentally wrote “New Tears” instead of New Years. New Tears? Definitely not. I prefer the Johnson’s baby shampoo slogan…NO MORE tears. In 2020, God is going to turn your tears into cheers. Revelation 21:4 says that the former things have passed away. God is wiping away all your tears of a painful past. Get ready for a year of cheer (optimism, encouragement and hope). By His grace, He has an unlimited supply of joy waiting for you. And by the way, I believe your years of fear are over too. You’ve entered a completely new year of love and freedom. So, Happy New Year…not New Tears or New Fears…NO! Happy New Year of Cheers!


Check's in the Mail

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Daniel 10:12 "Then said he unto me, fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, Thy words were heard, and I come for thy words".

Years ago when I was in a windows and siding business, after I would make a huge sale, I would stop by the customer's house at scheduled intervals to pick up a check for the job. When they didn't have it ready, I would get a little (okay, a lot) impatient and I would call the customer to check on the check! Their response, these famous words, "the check's in the mail".

In Daniel chapter 10, it appears that it took three weeks for Daniel's prayer to manifest. However, in verse 12, the angel of the Lord, said something really powerful and revealing to Daniel. He said, "For from the first day…thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words". That tells us that every prayer that’s in agreement with God's word is answered instantly.

It was the prince of Persia that withstood Daniel's prayer (verse 13), for 21 days. The prayer was answered but the manifestation took time to get there! That's huge, but how come? Daniel was under the old covenant he didn’t have authority to speak "TO" the delay. Daniel had to wait because he didn’t have the authority on the earth that you and I have.

Do you have any "unanswered prayers"? Don't give up. If your prayer is in agreement with God's Word, it's on the way, "it's in the mail". Use your authority and command the answer that rightfully belongs to you, and expect to see it!


Can You Give Me an Amen?

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2 Corinthians 1:20 “For all the promises of God in Him are yes, and in Him, Amen, unto the glory of God by us”.

This is one of those verses you could chew on for a year and still get more from it. It’s that rich and that full. One thing I remember so vividly about Pastor Demola is that after he would share something from the Word, he would follow up with a quick, “Can you give me an Amen?” I loved it, especially when I found out what “Amen” means. It means so be it.

In 2 Corinthians 1:20 it says “for ALL the promises of God IN HIM are yes…” I could stop right there. Healing is a promise. Prosperity is a promise. Peace is a promise. The good life is a promise. There are literally thousands of promises in the Word of God, AND in Him they are all “yes”, and in Him they are all “amen”.

It’s one thing to know the promises of God, but it’s another thing to know they are a “yes” for you personally. Then after you know that they are a “yes” for you and receive it, You need to add your “amen”…so be it!. If you got that then you’re probably jumping and dancing wherever you are right now! Why? The promise of victory over that impossible situation is a yes for you. The promise of restoration for your family is a yes for you. The promise of being healed of that “incurable” disease is a yes for you. The promise of a hundredfold return of every financial seed you’ve sown is a yes for you. Now add your amen!


Take Your Daily Benefits

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Psalm 68:19 – “Blessed be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits”

There is no daily multi-vitamin on earth that compares to the daily benefits that God loads us with. He doesn’t just give us a little bit; He LOADS us with benefits. He gives in abundance, an overwhelming supply, and even more than we need. Everyday!

What benefits does He load us with? Psalm 103 says He forgives our sin, heals all our disease, satisfies our mouth with good things, and renews our strength like the eagle. Isaiah 61 says that He binds the brokenhearted, proclaims liberty to the captives, and opens the prison to them that are bound. He gives beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Shall I go on?

Now that’s a daily life that you can enjoy. Amen? That’s a daily diet that will allow you to live the good life here on earth. His mercies are new “every morning”. Your part? Just receive! Everyday!


As Rich as a Church Mouse

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3 John 2 “I will above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers”

As poor as a church mouse…sadly, this phrase describes someone who is extremely poor. The original phrase was “as hungry as a church mouse” but somehow evolved to include being poor too. Most likely because poverty and a “vow of poverty” is associated with the “church”. Is it? NO! Not the church of Jesus Christ…

As God’s beloved, He says to us, “I will above all things that you may prosper and be in health…” He’s talking specifically about financial and physical prosperity. But here’s the key…” even as your soul prospers”. You prosper in proportion to your knowledge of what the Word has to say about prosperity. Not your grandma, not society, not your religious friends, not your past experiences, not your current circumstances, but what the Bible says about prosperity.

In the Old Testament, the temple treasury overflowed with gold and silver and precious gems, and was the primary target of enemy attack when a city was invaded. What a stark contrast in today’s world, where many churches and church members are struggling to pay their bills. That’s NOT God’s will for His people. “He wills above all things that you may prosper…”

When God’s people start appropriating what the Word says about their finances and health, the world will take notice. No longer will poverty be synonymous with the church. But instead, wealth and generosity and abundance. We are blessed to be a blessing. Jesus became poor that we might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). Yes…As rich as a church mouse!


The Definition of Success

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People all over the world are striving to become a “success” by making a certain amount of money, having status on a job, wearing a certain brand of clothes, driving a certain kind of car, etc. etc. etc. Our society measures success based on what YOU have done, what YOU have accomplished and what YOU have accumulated. It is based entirely on YOU. It requires focusing all of your time, energy, and resources on collecting accomplishments. When I was a kid we measured success on what your batting average was in baseball. What your grade point average was in high school and college, and then what your salary was in your career. Just to be clear, I’m not against any of those things at all, but they are all only a byproduct of God’s true success. God’s definition of success is totally contrary to the world’s definition.

In Genesis 39:2, it’s clear that in God’s eyes, success is not what you have, but rather who you have. Joseph literally had nothing materially, but at the same time, he had everything because the Lord was with him. It is the presence of the Lord in your life that makes you a true success. God sees your relationship with Him as the only thing that you need for every success in your life. I can’t imagine being in a worse place than Joseph in the context of this story. He was betrayed by his brothers, separated from his father, his mother was dead, and now he was standing before a crowd in chains, completely naked and being sold as a slave. And yet God called Joseph a successful and prosperous man because the Lord was with him. As He did for Joseph, God is going to bring such supernatural progress in your life, you’re going to look back one day in amazement at the transformation. You ARE a success, because God is with you. Right here, right now.


A Dead Man Comes Back to Life

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2 Kings 13:21 “And it came to pass, as they were burying a man, that, behold , they spied a band of men; and they cast the man into the sepulcher of Elisha; and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he came alive, and stood up on his feet”.

In 2 Kings 13:20-21, there is a story that could easily be a bestselling novel. But this ain’t no fiction, this is a true story that tells of the miraculous and supernatural power of God. In verse 20, Elisha dies and they bury him in a sepulcher. Then as the enemy is coming they bury another man and they let him down in the same place Elisha was. When the man’s dead body touches Elisha’s dead body, something amazing happens. The dead man comes back to life.

Wow, how do you explain that one? There was power still in Elisha’s body that’s how. And the Bible says that we “have the same Spirit in us that raised Jesus from the dead” (Romans 6:10-11). If the power in a dead man could raise the dead what could the power of God in you do? When something or someone touches you, something is released. When you touch someone, something is released. It’s the power of God already resident in you. There’s resurrection power inside you. You have something supernatural in you. Release today!



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Psalm 107:1 “O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good for His mercy endures forever”

Just about everyone knows what the acronym “OMG” stands for - Oh My God. It’s used to express shock, or excitement or disbelief. The way I look at it…OMG means that when God is your God, goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life (Psalm 23:6). No shock, and definitely no disbelief, just pure excitement.

This Thanksgiving we all have so much to be thankful for. As in Psalm 107:1, first and foremost, we can be thankful that God is GOOD. I know that sounds simple but I’m so glad that it didn’t say that the Lord is mostly good, or sometimes good, or is good and bad. The Lord is GOOD! That’s who He is and that’s the heart essence of the Gospel.

Then Psalm 107:1 says His mercy endures (I love this) forever. The Hebrew word for mercy is the Hesed which means grace or favor. Give thanks because His grace and favor is forever, it never changes, it’s for now and eternity! Celebrate His personal goodness toward you and your family this Thanksgiving with a hearty O-M-Goodness! Have fun!


Ambassador for Christ

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Proverbs 13:17 “But a faithful ambassador is health”.

Did you know that as a Christian, you are an ambassador for Christ? An ambassador is a person who represents someone or something else. For instance, there are US Ambassadors living in foreign countries all over the world representing the US in that country, and other US citizens also living in that country. Their role is to be an exact representation of the country they come from.

As believers we are called to represent Jesus on this earth and to act and speak exactly as He would if He were here. Proverbs 13:17 says that a faithful ambassador is health. I love that because it’s saying that as an ambassador for Christ you are bringing health wherever you go, you make things better than they were. As a faithful ambassador you represent Jesus just as if He were physically present. You release health and wholeness and restoration.

As an ambassador of Christ, He is in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). It may be your physical body that’s walking on this earth, but Christ is in your born again, recreated, perfect, and righteous spirit! Christ means “anointed one and His anointing “. That’s what qualifies you as His ambassador. This earth is not your home, you’re only passing through. But while you are here, you’re His ambassador. A faithful ambassador, releasing health, wholeness and restoration. Enjoy!


A Rich House

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Psalm 112:3 “Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever”

Two days ago I was looking for someone’s home, and I got a little lost. As I continued to drive I saw this huge, and I mean huge, house. Like I said, huge. It really got my attention, that’s how extraordinary it was.

In Psalm 112 it speaks about the man who is so blessed that it rubs off on his children. It says his seed or his offspring is blessed upon the earth. In verse 3, it goes on to say that “wealth and riches are in his house”. Now is that something you might be interested in? Would you like to have this promise fulfilled? I think you would. Here’s how.

In the same verse it says that “his righteousness endures forever “. That’s right standing with God. That’s the gift that you received at salvation in 2 Corinthians 5:21. You’re already righteous if you’re born again. And it “endures forever”, that means it never changes and never diminishes.

That, my friend, is one of the keys to wealth and riches in your house, knowing who you are and what belongs to you. You’re already wealthy and rich. Today, no matter what things might look like in your house financially, decree and declare what Psalm 112 says about you, I am righteous, therefore I have a rich house, me and my children, forever amen.


Seven Mile Fun Run

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Luke 24:33 “And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem “

Ever heard of a “fun run”? A fun run is a friendly race that involves either road running or cross country, and for runners that simply want to have fun, rather than compete. Have you ever heard of a seven mile fun run? Let me explain.

In Luke 24:29, it says that several of Jesus’ followers had just walked seven miles, were tired, and ready to find a place to spend the night. “Someone” had joined them on the road, so they asked Him to stay and have dinner with them. During the meal, Jesus took bread, and broke it, and blessed it, and gave it to the others. Suddenly their eyes were opened as to who He was, their risen Savior.

After hearing the Word on their walk, and receiving communion, they were invigorated and strengthened. Verse 33 says they rose up that same hour and returned to Jerusalem. That’s pretty amazing. Just by celebrating communion and opening up the scriptures, they suddenly had the strength to walk another seven miles, late at night. That’s what grace does, it energizes you, it gives you passion to move forward with supernatural strength. So, receive communion, open your Bible, and get ready for a fun run!



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Luke 24:32 “And they said one to another, did not our heart burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures”?

Eating spicy foods, such as pizza, may cause a person to feel heartburn. Although the name may imply the heart, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart itself. Heartburn is pain felt in the chest by a burning sensation in the esophagus, which is located close to where the heart is.

In Luke 34:32 it talks about a different kind of HEART burn. This type of burning is from a revelation of who Jesus really is. When the Holy Ghost opens up your spiritual eyes to a particular verse of scripture, a spiritual type of burning in your heart will take place. Unlike acid reflux, when your spiritual heart burns within you, it’s pain free.

I love this verse because it says, “…while He talked with us by the way”. The same is true today. Jesus walks with us, and talks with us about our lives, our situations, as we go about our lives. He enjoys being with us as we walk in the park, or gaze at the stars in the sky. He wants to “do life” with us. How? By opening up the scriptures to us. That’s the way He talks to us, through His Word. You’ll know He’s speaking to you because your heart will burn within you with fresh revelation of who He really is. That’s the real HEART burn.


When We Rest, He Works

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Psalm 121:1-5 “I lift up my eyes to the mountains - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord…He who watches over you will not slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you”

One night as I was getting ready for bed, I had something pressing on my mind. Then I heard the Lord say to me, “Why don’t you go to sleep, I’ll handle it”. I had been pondering something that I had to do, and how it was going to be done, and… You know how it is, you’ve been there I’m sure. What was the Lord’s advice for me? “The best thing you can do right now is go to sleep”. That’s awesome. When we rest, He works. But here’s the twist, the opposite is true too. When we work, He rests. We get to choose.

It says in Psalm 121:1-5 that He watches over us in our sleep. He’s active and working on our behalf while we sleep. He’s taking care of things and ordering things in our favor. And when we wake up, we’re refreshed. By His goodness and grace, we have the supernatural wisdom we need, and the answers to our questions, and solutions to our problems. That’s amazing. All because we chose to rest and let Him work. Imagine that, God working things out to get the job done while we rest. I am totally okay with that. How about you?


No Vacancy

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1 Timothy 4:12 “Let no man despise your youth”.

I remember our first vacation with my wife and family. For some reason, we decided that we would just drive to the beach, on July 4th weekend, and find a hotel when we got there. All we saw at each hotel was “No Vacancy”. We ended up going from one town to another and finally found a room.

In 1 Timothy 4, Paul the Apostle is writing to Timothy, a young pastor in Ephesus. Timothy was one of the youngest ministers in a whole city of pastors. Apparently there seemed to be an issue with their respect for Timothy as a fellow pastor due to his age.

I love the way Paul addressed him. Instead of writing to all the other pastors and saying, “I want you to respect my son in the faith, Timothy!”, he said, “Hey Timothy, don’t you allow them to get into your head”. He said, “You’re in control of how you respond to their actions”. He said, “LET no man despise your youth”. This signifies that Timothy had control over what he allowed to take up space in his thought life. He refused to LET them rent space in his mind.

Are there negative words that others have spoken trying to take up space in your mind? That’s your opportunity to allow God’s grace, his unmerited favor, to empower you. Don’t LET anyone or anything rent a room in your thoughts! Think about it, no one or nothing should have that kind of power in your thought life. Simply declare, no vacancy, all rooms are occupied by grace! Amen!

Do vs. Done

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John 19:30 “When Jesus had received the sour wine He said, It is finished, and He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.”

There’s a big difference between something that you need to do and something that is already done. At dinnertime the other day, I looked in our pantry and I saw a jar of spaghetti sauce, a box of pasta, and I saw the sausage in the refrigerator. And I said to myself, “should I make the pasta or order from a local restaurant”? Well, you guessed it, I ordered out…the food was already cooked…done. It’s so much easier when something is done, completed, finished.

That’s the difference the cross made. It took us from do, do, do to done, done, done. The promises of God are yes, and amen. You don’t have to DO anything, it’s already done. Your healing is already done. Your forgiveness is already done. Your victory is already DONE!

If you could just see life through DONE rather than DO, it would make a huge difference. It takes all the pressure off, it takes all the self-effort out, it gives you a confidence because you already know the outcome. Today, see whatever you’re dealing with as Done not Do. It’ll change everything. Stay blessed. You know why? It’s DONE!


Is Anybody There?

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Acts 9:10 “And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord”

Last week, I was on the phone with someone and suddenly there was silence, and I said, “Is anybody there?” I said it more than once, and finally the person said, “I’m here”.

This verse is a verse that most people don’t have underlined in their Bible. But there was a time when the Lord spoke to me through this verse, asking me, “How many times have I called your name and you weren’t there because you were doing something else”. What would have happened if when God called Ananias, he was in such a state that the” cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things” were choking the Word? What if he was so preoccupied that he wasn’t listening to God? Maybe God would’ve raised up someone else to minister to Saul.

How many times has God spoken to you and tried to keep you from making a mistake and you “weren’t there”? How many times did He try to move on your behalf, but you were too busy to hear, or listen, or obey? If we are going to experience His best in our lives, we are going to have to start unplugging from this world and give God an opportunity to speak to us in that still, small voice.

There are some of you who are so talented that you depend only upon that talent. You believe you can get things done on your own because you’re so good at what you do. God wants you to be dependent upon Him. God is always speaking, but are you always listening? Do everything you can to make sure that He doesn’t have to say, “Is anybody there”? Be an Ananias today, don’t let him pass you by. God created you to make a difference. I believe you will. I believe you will be one of the ones to say “Behold, I am here Lord”.


Your Vital Necessity

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1 Chronicles 22:19 – “Now set your mind and heart to seek (inquire of and require as your vital necessity) the Lord your God…”

One day I woke up with these two words “vital necessity“, and I asked myself what does this mean? To some people, me included, my morning cup of coffee is vital. Maybe you can’t do anything until you eat breakfast in the morning. For others, their morning walk is vital to get their day started.

In 1 Chronicles 22:19 it says, “Now set your mind and heart to seek (inquire and require as your vital necessity) the Lord your God”. The word vital means essential, indispensable, crucial, critical, high priority. The word necessity means fundamental, basic, necessary. This is truly relevant to the next part of the verse which says, “arise and build…”.

If you want to build your life, make seeking Jesus your vital necessity. How? Set your mind and heart to seek the Lord as the most vital and necessary part of your life. Set your thoughts and desires on Jesus. Not just occasionally, but set your mind and keep it set on Jesus. As you do, His grace will over supply every area of your life, and every demand, and every situation. Make HIM your vital necessity and watch as things in life become effortless. With or without your morning coffee!


Home Sick


Hebrews 11:15 " If they had been thinking with [homesick] remembrance of that country from which they were emigrants, they would have found constant opportunity to return to it".

Indeed, nearly all people miss something about home when they are away, making homesickness a nearly universal experience. However, an intense desire to go "back" to a familiar place and time can be very debilitating. A longing for the "good ol' days" and what "used to be" makes it impossible to look with hope to the future.

According to Hebrews 11:15, you follow the direction of your most dominant thought. You don't go anywhere in the natural that you haven't first gone in your imagination. This can be good or bad, depending on where your mind is taking you. If you spend your time meditating on God's promises in His Word, by faith you'll move forward and fulfill God's plan and purpose for your life. If you follow thoughts that want to take you backwards, you will find "constant opportunity to return to it". You'll be home "sick", instead of enjoying and being content and trusting in God's goodness and faithfulness in the place He has for you today and every day to come.


Cross Check

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Mathew 28:20 "……I am with you always, even unto the end of the world"

The enemy is thrilled when we worship under the old covenant. People all over the world are begging God to, "please come down", as if He is out there somewhere. The Holy Spirit came down in Acts 2 and has never left!

Why on earth would we sing "one thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life", when we are the house of the Lord (1Cor. 6:19-20). In fact, it's going to be quite impossible for us to dwell anywhere else.

Worship leaders everywhere are going through hoops every week trying to get people into the presence of God when Jesus already did that. They use the "Psalm 100 method", to enter His gates with thanksgiving, courts with praise, then finally into the Holy of Holies and worship. They forget that our born again spirit man is the Holy of Holies, our soul is the Holy Place, and our bodies are the outer court.

We have been way too concerned about God showing up instead of God filling up and flowing out of us. We think our songs are somehow going to move God, when God's not stuck. Faith receives what grace has already provided.

Folks, we need to "cross-check" our worship. Check if the lyrics are about trying to get to God, or bring Him down, or get closer to Him. If yes, then find new songs that celebrate our lives after the cross. From the place of victory because of the finished work of the cross. From a place of intimacy because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. From the inside out.


So Much More

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I have to say, Romans, chapter 5 has some of the most amazing truths in one portion of scripture. Four times Paul uses the term much more in reference to a believer’s life after the cross…

Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him - Verse 9

But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many - Verse 15

For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ - Verse 17

Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: - Verse 20

God has called you to so much more. You serve a much more God. Much more opportunity in life, much more forgiveness toward others, much more favor on your job, much more restoration in your family. Much more than you ever had before. Much more than you will ever need. So much more.