Have Your Logged Onto "Faith-Book" Today?

Romans 10:17 – “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” 

Did you know there are currently 1.32 billion monthly active users on Facebook?  That’s astounding to me.  Americans spend an average of 40 minutes a day on Facebook (some many more hours), and about 23 hours a week on social media altogether.  When Facebook, Twitter, and the growing number of networks are used in a positive way to connect and share with others, I’m all for it!  But here’s my question to you, “Have you logged onto your FAITH-book today?” 

Paul tells us in Romans 10:17 that something absolutely amazing happens when you log onto your “Faith-book” or your Bible.  When you read or hear the Word, faith comes, it’s supernatural.  2 peter 1:21 says, “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”  The word moved means that the prophets spoke things beyond their human knowledge.  The Word is God-breathed.  I love that, because every time I log onto my “Faith-book”, God breathes life into my soul (my mind, will and emotions). 

Back to Romans 10:17…the second “hearing” mentioned is the message behind the message specifically for you.  Two different people can read the same verse and it will minister to them differently.  The verse becomes a “rhema” word, something right on target for what that person needs at that moment.  

Logging onto you “Faith-book” will connect you with God’s exceeding precious promises for your life, and the divine nature that is already on the inside of you in your spirit.  In your Faith-book is the unadulterated, uncompromising, power-packed, healing, confidence-building Word of the almighty God.    

Can you imagine what 23 hours a week in your Faith-book would do for your life?  Get in the habit of “logging on” every day.  “Like” a verse and share the Word with your friends…“know Him so that you can make Him known”.  Faith-book.  Log on today!