Fly a 747

Luke 7:47 – “Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.” 

This past summer I had the privilege of ministering at the International Pastor’s and Minister’s Conference in Gabon, Africa.  What an amazing conference, outstanding people and wonderful country.  We saw miracles and healing that were a testimony to God’s unmerited favor.  However, my multiple flights on Royal Air Morocco to Africa was, shall I say…not quite as invigorating.  I left on a Friday night from New York and arrived in Gabon early in the morning on Sunday!  I was praying, “Lord, if you could translate the people in the book of Acts, then make it so that I could just open my eyes and instantly be translated to Libreville, I would really appreciate it!”  It didn’t work, at least this time. 

 In Luke 7:47, we learn from Jesus how to really “fly”, how to really be above circumstances, how to win in spiritual warfare.  It’s the power of “forgiveness”!  I think, more than any other subject, forgiveness, sometimes is the least discussed, and yet it is one of the most powerful.  The woman in this verse knew the power of forgiveness.  

The Amplified Bible says in verse 39 that the Pharisees said that this woman “is” a notorious sinner, a social outcast.  Jesus tells His listeners, “Hey, yeah, you’re right, she’s done a lot of things wrong in her life.  She’s made a ton of mistakes, as a sinner she was top-notch.”  But here’s the difference, she knows something that they don’t know, she’s forgiven.  Here’s how you can tell, she’s showing a lot of love, she’s grateful, she’s happy.  Why?  Because something was ‘given’ to her…for-give-ness.  Without the “give”, it’s just for-ness. That’s not a word.  Forgiveness has to be given, and she certainly received it.  It changed her completely.  

It made her bold and grateful enough to break into their afternoon brunch, break open an outrageously expensive box of ointment and pour it on Jesus.  She was changed and she knew it.  The Pharisees said, “She IS a sinner”, present tense, but in reality, that’s not who she was anymore.  The evidence was the love that she expressed, more than all the Pharisees combined!  

So, for-give, not only others, but yourself!  Break open that box of anointing oil, forgive yourself, be free, receive God’s unmerited favor through the blood of Jesus, and fly!