Mary, Did You Know?

Luke 1:31 "And thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus."

If you’re anything like me, you want to know as much as you can about a new experience before moving forward.   What's it going to be like at the new job.  What the accommodations are like when you go away.  Will I get along with the new neighbors?  All the unknowns.  Questions, questions, questions!

Imagine what must have gone through the mind of Mary, the mother of Jesus, when the angel approached her with his announcement.  I find it interesting that vs 29 says that, “Mary was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind”.  She also wondered, “How am I going to get pregnant without being with a man?”  Logical question.

Yet, even without knowing all the details, Mary said “yes”, or “be it unto me according to your word”.  That’s the response that will bring the supernatural.  Her “yes” made way for Jesus to walk on water, open blind eyes, raise the dead, take our place on the cross, and deliver us from sin. 

You may be facing a decision today.  You may not know everything.  You may want all the answers before you proceed.  But what is God saying to you?  When we have a word from God, we go out “not knowing” all the details, we simply trust what God has said.  Notice I said a word from God, not the word of God.  God has a specific word just for you, just like He did for Mary.  Say yes.