I Slept In and Saved Thousands

Proverbs 10: 22 (Amplified Bible) “The blessing of the Lord it makes {truly} rich, and He adds no sorrow with it {neither does toiling increase it}”

We’re in the height of the Christmas shopping season!  People are running all over town, or sitting for hours in front of their computer screen shopping for that got-to-have-it gift.  Personally, I don’t have a problem with people shopping for gifts, I just believe it sometimes gets way out of balance. 

That’s why I love the car commercial about two neighbors who have a brief conversation in their drive way.  The guy who went “Black Friday” shopping has a black eye and is exhausted and says, “I got up early and saved hundreds”. The other neighbor, still in his pajamas and with a cup of hot coffee in his hands looks at his new car and says in a calm and relaxed voice, “Oh, I slept in and saved thousands”.

That says it all for me…the huge difference between law and grace!  Under the law and a performance-based relationship with God, you work real hard and get little results.  Under grace you "REST" and you experience big results!  Resting doesn't mean you just do nothing, it means that you’re led by the Holy Spirit, you wait on Him, you trust Him.  It means you access what is already yours.

That’s what Adam did.  He was created on the last part of the sixth day after everything was finished.  He was “set” into a finished work.  That’s what God has done for you through the finished work on the cross.  Whatever your purpose is, He's already provided everything you will ever need to fulfill it.  And here’s the best part, with “no toiling on your behalf to increase it”.