Amazing Feet

Ephesians 1:22  “And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,”

Several weeks ago, the USA Women’s Soccer Team accomplish an amazing “feat”, who had been previously de-“feat”-ed by Japan by penalty kicks.  But this year was a different story when USA won 5-2, with the amazing Carli Lloyd scoring three of the five goals, and assisting on a fourth.  Her third goal was absolutely remarkable, when the Japanese goalie came out a bit too far, never thinking that Carlie would score from 60 yards away.  What a historical moment…what feet!

In Ephesians 1, Paul speaks about our authority in Christ, comparing it to a physical body.  He says that Jesus is the Head, and we the church are the Body of Christ.  He goes on to say that He has put all things under His feet.  So, simply stated, Jesus is the Head, we are the body, the feet are in the body, and therefore Satan is under our feet.  This is important to understand because it truly gives us a picture of the authority that we enjoy.  Yes, I said enjoy.

Ephesians 6:15 says, “And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace”.  This verse speaks of always being prepared to share the Gospel of grace and the peace, wholeness, completeness that grace brings to us.

Joshua 1:3 says, “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.”  That’s exacting our authority, it’s been delegated to us in the body.  As you can see by now, as the Body of Christ we have amazing “feet”, both positionally (new word!) and authoritatively!  So let’s get moving, exercising our authority, claiming what’s ours, and sharing the Gospel of grace and peace wherever we go!