Just Be-Cause

1 Samuel 17:29 – “And David said, what have I now done?  Is there not a cause?”

I have an important question for you today.  What is you “cause”?  The word cause means, a principle, an aim, or a movement that, because of a deep commitment, one is prepared to defend or advocate.  Some synonyms of cause are: belief, conviction, object, end, objective, purpose, mission.

Matthew Barnett, of the Los Angeles Dream Center, wrote a tremendous book entitled, The Cause Within You, about his journey from serving under his father, Tommy Barnett at Phoenix First Assembly to finding the “cause” within him while on the streets of LA.  When he first arrived in California many years ago, he pastored a small Filipino church.  After several weeks, he went from having a handful of members to no members, they all left.  His response, “I’m a complete failure. I’m obviously not cut out for this”.  Then late one night, the Lord lead him to Echo Park, one of the most dangerous areas of the city, and he asked Him, “Why am I here?”.  The Lord quickly replied, “If you minister to the people that nobody wants, I’ll give you the people that everyone wants”.  And there, in the midst of drug deals, prostitution, homelessness, and devastation, the Los Angeles Dream Center was birthed.  Twenty years later, the Dream Center has made a powerful impact on the inner city, reaching tens of thousands of people each month with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed.  Why?  God showed Matthew his “be-cause”.  God wants all of us to “just be your cause”.

In 1 Samuel 17:29, there was a 9’9” giant named Goliath that came against the people of God.  Instead of saying, “He’s too big”, David said, “He’s too big to miss!”  He said, “Is there not a cause?”  Like Matthew Barnett, God wants to use you to be the answer to the problems around you.  David looked at the giant as an opportunity for God to excel through him, not as a roadblock to avoid.  What’s your cause?  Everyone needs one.  And when you find it, God uses you to fulfill that cause.  Your life becomes exciting and filled with adventure…defeating giants!  So, find your cause within you, and just be-cause!  Something greater than yourself is about to take place.  Just be-cause!