Great Expectations, Great Results

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Acts 5:15 “They brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them...and they were healed every one”

Have you ever been caught up in an overwhelming atmosphere of expectation in the Lord’s goodness and manifested promises? So much so, that you would do something totally “out-of-the-box”, totally unusual, that you would even surprise yourself, because you had such an assurance in God’s Word and faithfulness.

That’s exactly what happened in Acts 5 after the resurrection of Jesus, when miracles began to break out in the early church. Nothing was impossible, nothing seemed too hard for the Lord. People began to bring sick people into the streets and lay them on couches and beds. They were so sure that a miracle of healing would take place, they said to themselves, “if only we could get our loved ones in Peter’s shadow as he passes by, we know they will be healed”! That’s awesome. What faith. As a result, in verse 16 it says that every single person who got in that shadow was healed. Today God wants you to live with that kind of expectation in His Word. So much so, that you would do something unusual, out-of-the-box, and totally away from the status quo to receive your miracle. Great expectation in the Word brings great results.