Say Goodbye to Guilt

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Gal 4:17 (The Message Bible) "Those heretical teachers go to great lengths to flatter you, but their motives are rotten. They want to shut you out of the free world of God's grace so that you will always depend on them for approval and direction, making themselves important."

The biggest curse in the body of Christ today is the enormous amount of guilt, condemnation, shame, and fear. These destructive behaviors are totally disarming and paralyzing the people of God. Sadly, statistics have shown that Pentecostals, Charismatic's and full gospel people suffer with guilt and guilt related disorders more than any other religious group in the world.

The dictionary defines guilt as, the feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, or crime, whether real or imagined. The reason why is we get hooked on what I call a toxic mixture of old testament law and new testament grace. Once you mix the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life, it will poison every area of your Christian life.

For the majority of believers in the church today, guilt is their drug of choice. For many, if they don't feel guilty, they wonder how they will be motivated to serve God! Some actually think guilt is a Christian emotion. IT"S NOT! Paul calls this mixture "another gospel". Any time a person tries to earn the love, acceptance, forgiveness and favor of God, it is going to result in guilt, condemnation, shame and fear. God's unmerited favor is the answer that will deliver God's people from this addiction. God loves, accepts, and forgives every one of us unconditionally. It's time to kick the habit!