The Darkest Hour is Just before the Dawn

Matthew 14 - FB.png

Mathew 14:25 “Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them walking on the sea”.

In 1650, English Theologian, Thomas Fuller coined the phrase “the darkest hour is just before the dawn”. Or in other words, even in the worst of circumstances there is hope. Matthew 14 tells of one of those “worst circumstances” or one of the darkest hours of the disciples’ lives. Their boat was being tossed about in a violent storm on the sea. This took place in the fourth watch of the night, which is from 3:00-6:00am, just before dawn. It was at this dark hour, that Jesus came to them, walking on the water, and delivered them. He was walking on the very problem that was threatening to kill and destroy them. He came to them in their hour of need.

The same is true for us today. The Lord will never abandon us in our darkest hour. He is a very present help in the time of trouble (Psalm 46:1). He has given us authority to “walk on our problems”, and to calm the raging waters around us by His Word. He has given us the victory over every threat and evil report. Contrary to popular opinion, He doesn’t bring the darkness, He’s the one that commanded light to shine out of the darkness. We must use our authority now, in Jesus’ name, over every area of darkness, and let the light of God’s Word illumine our hearts. Let is shine like the dawn! Amen.