The Perfect Pillow

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Mark 4:37-38 “And then arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake Him, and say unto Him, Master, Carest thou not that we perish?”

Most of us have heard of “My Pillow” advertised in the media. It’s guaranteed not only to give you a “perfect night’s sleep” but also to help your body to “alleviate back pain, fibromyalgia, disk pain, seasonal allergies, headaches, excessive snoring”. I mean I never knew a pillow could do so much! It’ll even turn your coffee on in the morning…of course I’m joking! Anyway, I agree that a good pillow does make a difference.

But in Mark 4:37-38, it’s the person who’s sleeping ON the pillow that makes all the difference here. The Bible says that “there arose a great storm of wind”. In the same account in Mathew 8, it says that “there was a great tempest in the sea”. The word tempest here is earthquake. What’s Jesus doing during all this? He’s in a deep sleep. It wasn’t the earthquake that woke Him up; it was the cry of the disciples. Jesus was in such peace that when He woke up, the peace on the inside came out of His mouth. He spoke to the storm “peace be still”, and there was a great calm. The peace on the inside affected the circumstance on the outside. That’s awesome.

So, what is the “perfect pillow” that Jesus gave us? It’s His perfect peace. You have it already on the inside of you as a fruit of the Spirit. Release it today and every storm you’re facing will cease. Let the peace on the inside affect your circumstances on the outside. Go ahead and rest your head (mind) on this promise!