The Cat's Meow

1 Peter 5-8 - FB.png

1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour; whom resist steadfast in the faith”.

When we travel, my wife likes to see if she can find a “Cat’s Meow” to take home as a souvenir. They’re wooden figures of one of the landmarks in the town that we are visiting. And on each figure is a small black cat. We have them lined in the hallway of our home. Just looking at them brings back the best memories of places we’ve been as a family.

1 Peter 5 says that “as a roaring lion” Satan roams about seeking whom he MAY devour. It doesn’t say he IS a roaring lion, it says AS a roaring lion. To me, HE’S the cat’s meow! He’s like a little kitten meowing, trying to make you think he’s a lion. He’s NOT. He’s walking about seeking whom he MAY devour. He CAN’T. Because of the blood of Jesus, you’re undevourable. The only lion is the Lion of Judah, Jesus, and He lives on the inside of you. The next time Satan comes against you, “resist him and be steadfast in the faith”. Reduce that roar in your mind to a meow! Greater is He that is in you then he that is in the world! Be blessed.