This is My "Leap" Year

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Luke 1:44 “For, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy”

Do you know why we add an extra day, February 29, to our calendars every four years and call it Leap Year? These extra days – called leap days – help synchronize our human-created calendars with Earth's orbit around the sun and the actual passing of the seasons. Interesting. But I have a whole new take on leap year for you…

On the first day of my student orientation at Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado several years ago, one of the speakers said something that I will never forget. They said the purpose of Charis was to help you find the purpose and calling of “what makes your baby leap”. Meaning, there are certain people and certain callings that make your spirit “leap” on the inside when you encounter them. Just like in Luke 1:44 when the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy when it heard Mary’s voice. That’s awesome.

On December 21, 2020, God spoke to me that there would be environments, or certain relationships, new opportunities, new connections, and new locations, that when you walk into them “your baby will leap for joy” on the inside. I’m not talking about goosebumps or an emotional rush, this is speaking of inside your spirit. The same experience will happen when people connect with you, something on the inside of their spirit will “leap for joy” at this Holy Ghost encounter. Are you ready? Are you “expecting” divine connections arranged by God to bless you and those around you and to further His Gospel? If you are, declare this with me, “This is my “leap” year!