You're Next

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Psalm 50:10 “For every beast of the field is mine and the cattle on a thousand hills”.

Have you ever been “next in line” at the grocery store? Sure you have. Do you stand there wondering, “how much longer until my turn?” You may be asking the same thing about some of your unanswered prayers. When you hear of someone whose debts have just been miraculously paid in full, or an average student who just scored straight A’s, or a once childless couple who is now expecting their miracle child, you may wonder when it will be your turn.

Well, I want you to know that there’s no shortage in God’s economy. Being in His line for blessing is worth the wait. As you wait, remember that God doesn’t have to bless someone at your expense, nor does He bless you at someone else’s expense. So, the next time someone gets blessed ahead of you, tell yourself “I won’t get jealous, I’m next“. Our God has resources and contacts that are reserved just for you. There’s never a shortage in heaven and you’re next in line. He owns it all!