The Power of Now

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John 12:31 “Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out”

NOW! What an awesome word. It means at this present time or moment, not yesterday or last week or tomorrow. There are two “now’s” in John 12:31. The first…though there is still a future judgment of the world yet to take place, there is also a judgment that took place at the cross that is in effect RIGHT NOW. Jesus suffered the punishment for our sins so there is no reason that we should suffer them too. Sin, sickness, depression, and fear are only byproducts of the sin nature that WAS inside of every believer. However, once we receive Jesus as our Savior those byproducts have no more power over us

Now for the second “now”…the prince of this world, Satan himself, is cast out of your life RIGHT NOW. Sin, sickness, poverty, depression, fear, anxious thoughts, I could go on, no longer have an effect on you. NOW the devil is cast out of your life, your family, and your situations. Whatever it is that you’re going through, whatever challenges you’re facing, whatever bad report you’ve received, whatever someone said about you, RIGHT NOW it doesn’t have to effect on you. Receive the power of NOW!