Pre-Existing Conditions

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Exodus 12:8-9 “They shall eat the flesh on that night; roasted in fire, with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it…roasted in fire - it’s head with its legs and it’s entrails”

Though most health insurance policies cover “pre-existing conditions” today, years ago they would not. In other words, if you had a sickness, disease, or injury before you applied for benefits, they would not cover those expenses after you were approved.

Here's another take on pre-existing conditions. In Exodus 12:8-9, the children of Israel were instructed at the first Passover to roast the lamb in fire, including its head, legs and entrails (organs). In Psalm 105:37 it says, “He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes”. This is awesome…anyone who had a sickness, disease, or injury before the Passover left Egypt healed and whole (and rich)!

Jesus is your Passover Lamb. He took every condition in your head, legs, organs, and every other part of your body, nailed it to the cross and made you whole. In Christ, you have a health insurance policy that completely covers every pre-existing condition with full benefits and with no exclusions. Receive your benefits today!