Clark Kent to Superman

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1 Corinthians 12:9 “to another faith by the same Spirit”

I remember as a young boy watching the TV show Superman every week, it was one of my favorites. I loved when he would go into a phone booth as Clark Kent and come out as Superman. As Clark Kent, he was a reporter for the Daily Planet newspaper. But as Superman he could “scale buildings with a single bound and he was faster than a speeding bullet”. He became totally transformed.

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul is describing the different gifts given by the Holy Spirit. In verse 9, he mentions the supernatural “gift of faith”, which is different from “the measure of faith” that’s given to every born again child of God (Romans 12:3). The “gift of faith” is the faith that transforms “Clark Kent into Superman”. Greg Mohr describes this faith in his book Living in the Supernatural as “the gift of power that totally anchors the soul to God in overwhelming confidence to operate in or receive gifts of healing or working of miracles in a specific moment. All doubt, all self-consciousness, and fear instantly leave and miracle power flows through you or flows to you. But after the miracle takes place something happens; Superman turns back into Clark Kent and now you live by the faith that is in your spirit”. It would be awesome to live by the gift of faith (as Superman) all the time, but operating in the gift of faith is as the Spirit wills, as with all the gifts of the Spirit. So, when the gift of faith is not in operation in our lives, we live by simple faith (as Clark Kent). What is simple faith? Mountain moving, water walking, raising the dead, and boat sinking harvest faith! Pretty amazing.