MY Peace

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John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”

The world tries to sell you peace in various forms. It tells you that you can get peace by having soft music playing gently in the background as you turn down the lights and allow calming scents of lavender to waft over you. It tells you that you can get peace when your body is in the right posture and you practice breathing in the right way. The world tells you that you can get peace when you are tucked away in a mountain resort, far from civilization. I have nothing at all against all that. But the truth is, it’s all external, temporary peace, it doesn’t last. As you well know, external circumstances and surroundings easily and constantly change.

In John 14:27 Jesus is getting ready to go to a cruel, torturous cross and He says, “When I die, I’m leaving you something. I’m bequeathing to you something so priceless, so valuable, so amazing…My peace”. Then He tells you that the world can’t give you this peace. I love this, He says, “MY peace I’m giving to you”. I want you to be encouraged today by remembering that whatever you’re going through, you have His peace already on the inside of you. The world can be in turmoil, but not you, because you have something the world doesn’t have…HIS peace. Now, release this peace over every situation of your life today.