What Are YOU Looking At?

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Luke 1:46-47 “And Mary said, My soul does magnify the Lord. And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior”

This scripture from Luke reveals something huge when it comes to experiencing an abundant life and a prosperous soul. When Mary said “My soul does magnify the Lord”, that was a choice. Whatever you allow your soul to magnify on the inside will determine what happens on the outside. That’s powerful. So, what are you LOOKING at?

The word “magnify” means to enlarge or make bigger. How can we make the Lord bigger? Actually, we can’t. God is who He is regardless of how we believe or think. But as far as our perception goes, we can make the Lord bigger. When we operate in faith, we can increase the power and ability of God in our minds. Our minds are similar to binoculars or a magnifying glass. Whatever we focus our attention on becomes bigger in our minds. Whatever we fail to focus our attention on becomes smaller in our minds. The problem with most people is that although we know some truths of God’s Word, we don’t spend enough time meditating on them but, instead, become preoccupied with the affairs of this life (Mark 4:19). They become bigger to us than God and therefore limit what we can believe God for. We need to learn to magnify God in our souls, and minimize all the things of this world. One more time, what are you LOOKING at?