The Three Most Powerful Words in the Bible

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John 19:30 “When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost”

Most of us know what it’s like to owe money for a loan. Every month, the payment notice arrives like clockwork. Every month we chip away at the payments until we receive the final notice that says, “paid in full”. Greg Mohr says, “Most people when they go to God in prayer for something, go as a person who goes before a loan officer for an unsecured loan”. They tiptoe into His presence hoping for a little something to happen.

What they don’t realize is that every promise in God’s Word has already been provided for us at the cross. Jesus paid for it all AND He paid it in full! Praise God for the three most powerful words in the Bible spoken by Jesus just He died on the cross…IT IS FINISHED. He paid for our eternity, for our healing, for our deliverance, for our peace, and every other good thing. As you celebrate Resurrection Sunday this weekend, remember Jesus’ last words and all He did for us on the cross and shout…IT IS FINISHED!