
Qualified - FB.png

Colossians 1:12 “Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance in the light”

Have you ever been disqualified from a contest, competition or sporting event? My wife was. She was in high school, yet she remembers it like it was yesterday! She used to compete in horse shows in barrel racing. In one show, she had the fastest time but was disqualified for reaching over and “ever-so-lightly” and “for no reason” touching the last barrel before she rounded her way to the finish line. In a split second, according to the rules of barrel racing, she was disqualified. Ouch.

No matter how disqualified we feel sometimes or how many times we’ve messed things up, we can thank our heavenly Father that HE has qualified us to receive all that He has promised us. HE qualified us to receive our inheritance of divine health, abundance, increase, strong relationships, long life, and so much more. To be qualified means that certain requirements have been satisfied to become eligible for certain benefits. Who satisfied the requirements for us to receive God’s promises? You? Me? Certainly not. It was Jesus. Jesus paid the ultimate price through His blood and satisfied the debt for OUR sin. He made it possible for us to stand before our Father, every moment of every day, as if we had never sinned. So, the next time the enemy whispers in your ear “disqualified”, boldly speak out of your mouth, “Thank you Father for qualifying me to receive every covenant blessing and promise you have for me!”