Focus on the Cross, Not the Sickness

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Numbers 21:8 “Then the Lord said to Moses, make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live”

A lion tamer can teach us a whole lot about focus. What is his number one tool in the ring with a lion? A stool. The lion tamer uses the stool as a method of distraction. The lion, when faced with the legs of the stool, tries to focus on all four at once. Confused, and unable to focus, it stands there, frozen!

In Numbers 21:8 it says that the children of Israel were bitten by deadly fiery snakes in the wilderness. What was the remedy? What was the anecdote? What healed the people? FOCUS! FOCUS! FOCUS! The Lord told Moses to make a fiery serpent of bronze and set it on a pole, and when the people looked at it, they would live. This was a foreshadow of Jesus on the cross, Who took sickness upon His body and redeemed us from this curse. The same instructions the Lord gave Moses stand today. What we focus on is what we become. If we focus on the sickness, we stay distracted, frozen, confused, and sick. If we focus on the Healer, we are healed and live!