What You Hear About Jesus Matters

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Mark 5:27 “When she heard about Jesus, she came in the press behind and touched His garments”

Have you ever thought to yourself or heard someone say, If Jesus were right here and I could see Him and hear Him, I could receive my miracle. My opinion as to whether it’s possible for Jesus to appear to someone or audibly speak to them is not important. But what IS important is that Mark 5:27 doesn’t say that the woman that was healed from a blood disorder “heard” Jesus, it says that she “heard about” Jesus.

Do you know what that means? It means that we can have the same faith that this woman had just by hearing about Jesus…hearing the Word. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”, Romans 10:17. It means that when we hear the Word, we can immediately receive it and apply it to our own lives no matter how long we’ve suffered. No matter how many expensive treatments we’ve tried. What she heard caused her to press into Jesus and receive her breakthrough. Press in to the Word today. Press in to Jesus. Receive your breakthrough by the goodness and grace of God. What you hear about Jesus matters!